.. _channel-setup: ============= Channel Setup ============= Certain App/Partner specific IDs are required to finalize the Partner Module setup for a particular app. Since most of those parameters may become available much later, then the App is created in Adjust/Automation API, in every occasion of Channel Setup being used it is marked as Optional. If :term:`Template app` has certain Partner settings configured, automation will NOT create the Network Tracker unless the corresponding network-specific parameter is populated. Channel setup parameters CAN be populated with a separate request at a later time, one at a time or all at the same time. As soon as the Automation API receives a certain parameter, it will attempt to use it to finalize the Partner Setup for the corresponding network. Click/Impression Links will NOT be available in the API unless Partner Setup for a certain network is complete. API Users are advised to provide every known value for channel_setup parameters every time this field is populated. Although campaign creation requests are network-specific, channel_setup parameters are never filtered and always stored/processed as soon as they are submitted to the Automation API API. Complete channel_setup dict example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following complete example has all values Automation API currently expects and supports to be used in the partner setup: .. code-block:: bash "channel_setup": { "snapchat": { "snap_app_id": "snapchat app id" } "facebook": { "app_id": "facebook_app_id" }, "google": { "link_id": "adwords_link_id" }, "gameanalytics": { "key": "unique game key" }, "tapjoy": { "app_id": "tapjoy_app_id" }, "unityads": { "game_id": "unity_game_id" }, "vungle": { "app_id": "vungle_app_id" }, "chartboost": { "app_id": "chartboost_app_id", "token": "app_signature" }, "inmobi": { "property_id": "inmobi_gmp_id", "advertiser_id": "adv_id" }, "applovin": { "sdk_keys": ["string1", "string2", "etc..."] }, "mintegral": { "enabled": true }, "tiktok": { "enabled": true, "app_id": "string" }, "ironsource": { "advertiser_id": "string", "password": "string" } } .. _ad-network-slugs: Ad Network slugs ---------------- When defining an Ad Network in the API, please use the following constants:: apple_search_ads applovin chartboost crossinstall crosspromotion digitalturbine facebook gameanalytics google inmobi ironsource snapchat tapjoy unityads vungle Constants for more networks are provided per request. Facebook -------- Facebook channel setup also accepts optional parameter for *Facebook Decryption Key* called ``decryption_key``. |automation| will only accept valid keys. If you don't have a valid key you don't need to include ``decryption_key`` in request JSON data. .. code-block:: bash "channel_setup": { "facebook": { "app_id": "123456789", "decryption_key": "1234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891" } } For more information about Facebook Decryption Key see `Adjust Decryption Key`_ documentation. .. note:: Setting an empty value for ``decryption_key`` will not remove the key from the dashboard at the moment. Examples -------- Full request example with specific Facebook and Snapchat app id given. .. code-block:: bash $ curl \ --header "AdjustAuthorization: Token " \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "name":"Test App Name", "bundle_id":"test.bundle.app", "store_id":"test.bundle.app", "platform":"android", "channel_setup": { "facebook": { "app_id": "123456789", "decryption_key": "1234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891234567891" }, "snapchat": { "snap_app_id": "123456789" } } }' \ -X POST https://settings.adjust.com/api/app